Sunday, July 17, 2011

Are you prone to give in to Vanity? Think Twice, please!

This is meant as a warning, friends!
And something to laugh about.

Who else received a solicitation to be listed as a 'big shot' at the prestigious
Cambridge Who's Who ?
You?... YOU? You there, over in the corner at Addoway, Bonanza, you too?
And? Did you give in? Vanity took over?

It does sound so 'university-ly', yes? :)

First 'they' surprise you with a letter and/or an e-mail which both look very
im-potant, legit and flatter you to the bone.
Your phone number is the least dangerous information they are asking for - and yes, you are so smart, can't hurt, they don't know more about you - yet.
Yep, you fill it out because it looks so real - and after all you ARE a most accomplished business person. Aren't you?
You give a short description of what and who you are and off it goes. 
It takes only a day and you get your answer via e-mail.
"Yes, yes, you are so interesting we are almost sure you will be accepted. Please, give us a call we need to 'interview' you to make sure you are worthy of this honor. We want to include you  into the Executive and Professional Women registry."
Well, I didn't call back. Wasn't in the mood and had no time.
But 'they' called me. It went to the answering machine. I heard it and thought...
'oh well, actually, leave me alone'. 
THEN he called again and caught me.
Wow, what a pleasant guy.
"We would like to conduct the interview, do you have time?"
Yes, I had.

He congratulated me on the honor of my inclusion in the registry database, and conducted an interview, with many questions about my career and professional accomplishments.
"So, do you have a website?" Yes I do:
He pretended to open it and further acted like he was pleasantly surprised.
When he asked for my business website I happily gave it to him, thinking
'ok, maybe I'm selling something in the end?'.
Then came the questions about my education (of course), what my accomplishments are, where I'm working, what I'm working, do I belong to any society, WHAT I'm selling, where these items are coming from, what my goals are, what else I 'can' do, where my interests lie (Photographer, Video Producer, WebDesigner)

Oh, and THEN what I'm to receive! I will be listed in the Cambridge Who's Who with many links to my websites and businesses. I will also be 'mentioned' in the hard cover. (Am I cool or what?)
I will receive a 'plaque' (maybe it's a plague? black ?... cleaning out my bank account??) that looks mighty noble and I can use all this to post in my websites, print on business cards... and 'show off'.

He definitely softened me up. Nice guy, really. The voice sounds in the 30s and ummmm... sexy.

After the interview he decided on the spot that I *surely* will be inducted into this 'Hall of Fame'.
There is no cost to be included in this Registry
I admit, I was kinda floored.
'Wow, this all sounds incredible!'

But then I asked him
'and why are you doing this? I'm sure you are not Mother Theresa and simply a lover of human kind.'
 (Personally, I'm alway asking 'why', it's just me, I want to know reasons and the sense of things)
It seems I was a little too fast with my question.
He returned to his (fast) sermon and painted in all rainbow colors how great and exceptionally helpful this is for me.
IS is the keyword here - I was already showered with all kinds of elite honors.

I couldn't help myself but to pay him compliments on his sale-skills.
'Wow, you are one great sales man.'
He didn't answer. Yet he spoke even faster and that's when a pink flag was raised. Not red yet!

Naturally I still was under the impression from the initial solicitation letter that no costs are involved.

The rockets came rapidly:
"There are 2 kinds of memberships" (and I ran for paper and pencil)
"Gold is an initial $569.00 and after a month there will be $199.00 and that's good for 5 years.
BUT then there is Platinum and the honors (horrors?) of a lifetime achievement introduction and inclusion into the (no, not the 'Hall of Fame') prestigious Cambridge Who's Who.
It's only $ 769.00 now and after 30 days another $199.00 AND you will get a voucher for a round trip of your choice for a second person."
(I didn't understand what the additional $199.00 were for, but I'm convinced it's crucial for their survival that they get this money.)
When the 'voucher' came up, I started to grin

"What kind of Credit Card would you like to use today? Visa, Master Card, American Express?"

'Okay', I said, 'here's to IT'S FREE, huh?'
"Well, only with a membership you will have access to the database which you surely want to have."

Oh, DEFINITELY! I will need THAT!

After I expressed my concern about the high cost the price came down immediately:
"you know what? Just for you (rrrright) I can give you the lower price for the platinum membership."

Dear reader, you are right: All red flags were up by then. And I had a ball.

My question about what would happen with my lifetime honors if I'm on the street tomorrow, in a year or in 5 years went unanswered.
I kept telling him that if they are really legit they must be able to give me time for a little thinking and research.

In came the deadline. URGENT deadline.

'You know, I don't care about any deadline. I don't care if I'm missing this edition. I did survive until today without you, you see? If you are a serious institution it shouldn't matter to you if I sign up today or tomorrow.'

Then again: and I would get a plaque for all my lifetime achievements too - WOW!
(I am aware that I have achieved nothing special at all EXCEPT raising an awesome and exceptionally son, my Mr. Engineer)

I threw all kinds of pots and pans at him but he had a cover and a lid for every single one of them ;)

"You know what? Because I really don't want you to miss out on this fabulous opportunity, I'm offering you a lower rate! $99.00 trial version for a year. PLUS the voucher for your trip".
Thanks God he was a little too good and a little too fast and then way too pushy.
I had a lot of fun by then.

'See, I would be a BAD business woman if I would get out my wallet and pay any amount after a phone call. What do I know who you are indeed? You could be calling from India or Timbuktu, the Seychelles or the South Pole.'
Needless to say, he started all over again.

My pots flew and his lids came back. All in a very friendly manner.

And yes, he told me beforehand that this call was taped. He had to please his bosses, poor guy. I sooo felt for him.

Time to end this posse, it took me a blunt ‘no, not today’ – until he finally said good bye and EVEN ‘Good Luck’.

In came his last  e-mail 'lid':
Congratulations on your acceptance into Cambridge Who’s Who among Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs!

He has my address now too. It was inevitable. Can't wait, can't wait! until I get my FREE plaguish plaque in the mail. Hallelujah! I will be SOMEBODY then.

OK, my best friend here is a retired NY Police detective. I asked her for some more research (more than I'd done already) and told her what happened.
Here's her original answer:
'Take your bum hip and run as far and as fast as you can from them. Do not under any circumstances give them your credit card #, as they will keep billing you..... Ask them not to contact you, or you will report them to the State Attorneys Office.'

Glad I had my German common sense at work.
Because I wrote about this in a kind of a funny manner, doesn't mean it WAS funny. The whole thing sounded and was mighty impressive and tempting.

So, dear damsels and gents,
Keep your fingers OFF of ALL those Who's Who - well known spamming crooks.

Witness for it's correctness:  

Signed: Tiger
(sat on my shoulder the entire time - ROFL)

My charge for entertaining you?
Just go and buy something from my OUTLET-discount store - darn! Something for everyone.
And to whom ever doesn't understand this joke -
shame on me :)

Look what else I'm doing:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rosenthal @ 30% OFF everything

... and now dont' forget about this!!
30% OFF of everything is a mighty good discount.

                    VERY Fashion                                      Sistine Madonna, Antique

Very Old World
 Send me an angel, shiny, please!
Very English

Sterling Silver and Marqasites
                                     Four Seasons, authentic

These and MUCH more at

It's FREE to click and look!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bonanza Up 2011 Las Vegas ... the painful end

Please note, we are having a 'Christmas in July' sale @
BIG discounts at participating booths. Please see here:


And I'm participating too, of course!
30% OFF everything right here: Have fun!
Happy shopping!

Back to Vegas, had no time to report the end of my little adventure earlier.

When people meet they tend to engage in conversations.
As it happened to
me - going down the elevator to have breakfast, in comes

Ms Arlene, the news writer for, so we went together and lost ourselves in a virtual sightseeing tour through Germany.  
30 minutes before my shuttle to the airport was scheduled to pick me up I noticed the time.

I hadn't checked out yet, my suitcase wasn't ready, thus still on the 20th floor
AND I had some chips left that I REALLY wanted to exchange into genuine money.
Up I ran, hadn't even time to brush my teeth (baehh, chewing gum had to do) ,  I just threw everything together and rushed down to the lobby.
"Can I turn in my chips here at the check out?"
"No, you must do that in the casino, at the other end of the building" -
"Oh, bravo. And where is the shuttle stop?"
"Right here at this end."

Boy, did I run back and forth and wasn't a minute too early JUST when my shuttle drove up.
Pooh, I made it.

Unfortunately all this killed my back.
Lovely nerve got pinched in my left hip again.
I entered a bathroom, more crawling then walking, always suitcase etc in 'schlepp' and looked around to find some kind of a door to 'hang myself on'.
I realized they all were too high for me.
(In my Hotel room I had used the TV cabinet to get this nerve out of my spine)  I needed help, desperately.

Low and behold, in walked a big strong looking guy.
At first I thought
"eh? what is this guy doing in the ladies room?"
On second inspection though I came to the conclusion that this 'somebody' was a species of the female kind.
Umm. Okeeeehh!

I scratched all my courage together and asked him/her for a favor. I had to.
YAY! She was nice!
So, I put my arms around her neck, she lifted me up a little and swung my legs to the right and to the left.
Boom, as soon as I felt this well known electrical charge raising down my left leg
I broke out in sweat and violent shaking because of this crazy pain.
BUT! I was standing upright again.
The lady was happy and proud  that she could help me, said 'well, now I might become a chiropractor too' ;)

Uh, was I relieved - NO way I would have made it to my plane in the condition I was in.
Well, I made it, although changing plane in Houston afterwards required help again. But ey, I'm still alive - LOL

Months ago I told a physician:
"I have a pinched nerve"
Answer was:
"How do you know? Am I the doctor or you?"
Thank you, that was it.

Have you seen the video that I've created about Bonanza people visiting the 'Sugar Factory' in Las Vegas?
BUP2011 at the Sugar Factory in Las Vegas

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bonanza Up 2011 Las Vegas

yay, I just came back home. Monday morning 6/6/2011 - 1 am
It was an exhausting trip, at least for me. Very interesting though.

And no, I did not win any money (I lost) but I surely won on wisdom.
At least I tell it to myself. ;)

Funny things happen... and when somebody travels,
he/she always has to tell stories.
Coming up later; stay tuned.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yes, I'm still mourning

Whispers from Heaven

When I left this world without you
I know it made you blue.
Your tears fell so freely,
I watched: I know this is true.
While you were weeping,
Days after I passed away —
While all was silent within me,
I saw you kneel to pray.
From this wonderful place called heaven
Where all my pain is gone,
I send a gentle breeze to whisper,
“My loved ones, please go on.”
The peace that I have found here
Goes far beyond compare.
No rain, no clouds, no suffering —
Just LOVE from everywhere.
You need not be troubled
Just stay close to GOD in prayer
Someday we’ll be reunited
My love, HIS love surrounds you always,

Still... I was not able to think about Ute without crying... for a long time.
Her funeral was a disaster for me -
It was a beautiful sunny day, March 2nd 2011, but ice cold with strong wind gusts that made all of us shiver. We were high above our home town in a forest where I will be overlooking our beautiful 'Michelstadt' one day too.

I cried, I screamed and was shaking, trembling so bad that some ladies were offering Valium.  Because there wasn't a single prayer for her, after the 'ceremony' I prayed, loud...and asked everyone there to join me, which our mutual friends thanked me for afterwards.

One night, 3 weeks ago, she visited me. And I swear every holy oath it was real!
Ute came to me and I was able to hug her and hold her. She then showed me her back (that's how it started, metastases growing OUT of her back) and told me that she couldn't bear it anymore. Too many more had grown besides in her lungs and liver.
I knew it, but I couldn't understand why she had to go so fast. I was 3 days too late. And she KNEW I was coming, flying in from US, just to comfort and BE with her.

She was all alone when she passed. Nobody but nurses around her.
It gives me the creeps ... I so prayed I could be there and help her.

Yet I know that Ute didn't want me to be so sad. That's why she came to comfort ME. She told me she is good now, and she is at peace.
I was stunned. IT WAS REAL, I swear!
Sh... I'm crying again...

And this is what a friend of mine said after I told her about my REAL dream -
and she is an atheist!! :
'I believe in the hereafter and know Ute came to see you.  It's very
real.  She was letting you know she is thinking of you and is
ok........death hurts, more for the people who are left behind...we
never forget, but time heals.....Ute never wants to make you
sad....remember the good times....'

Yes, after that night it became so much easier for me, immediately!
Somehow it became just logic ... yet, she was so full of life, so happy, always helpful, volunteered everywhere, we laughed our asses off and had a LOT of serious conversations AND wine together.
Well, she was more a friend of a good cold beer ;)
3 years ago she still ran MARATHONS ! Imagine! At the age of 61 !!

Ute, thank you so much that you came and gave me the opportunity to hug you one more time. I told you often enough that I love you, which had you always sooo embarrassed. (We don't do that in Germany.. but saying it in English is easier. So I told her all the time:
'I say it in English, but I MEAN it in German: For REAL!')

Ute was my cousin and after my son the closest person to me.
Here's my tribute to her:
Enjoy a stroll through our beautiful home town in Germany.

And THIS is exactly the time of the year (end of May till middle of June) when I would be at home and visit her and mutual childhood friends and would have a mighty good time.
But I have no reason (and no bed... ;-) to go there anymore.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going on and working

Hello, who ever is looking at this blog.
Yup, we have to go on. But I really miss my Ute so much.
It's just not cool!

I have been sitting on my PC for ever and gave birth to some new Videos.

Would you like to take a time out and look at them?
Here are the links:

Down Syndrome young adults - this is for David:

This ist MOST powerful, I think:

This one is sweet, the seller definitely HIGHLY recommended: 
I always buy gifts from him for people whom I really don't know what to give.
And my gifts are always a hit

Then there is BaySideBetty - oh my, what a sweet Lady and exceptional online Seller: - Non Je ne Regrette Rien

Last but not least (there are more) - we have lovely 'Purple Iris':

All my Videos have beautiful Music... you will see !! ... rather HEAR  :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

In loving Memory of my Cousin and FRIEND * R.I.P. Ute

Ute didn't wait for me.
I arrived 3 days too late. After I spoke with her I immediately booked my trip to Germany to see her, comfort her, be with her.
Alas, she was faster.
I am devasted.
Instead of seeing her I attended her funeral.
It was gruesome for me. I totally, totally lost it and myself.
BUT I prayed for her (loud, 'screamed', is the right word) because nobody else did.
I soooo miss her, I lost my home too. She always had a bed for me in my birth town when I came for a visit, once a year -
She was closer to me and I loved her more than my own sisters.

Watch the included Video - it shows our charming birth town:
Michelstadt, embedded in a beautiful forest in the ♥ of Germany.

RIP Ute, you are sorely missed

Here's the Video:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I need prayers and a LOT, please

I never asked this before but now I need a ton of prayers for my cousin: Ute.
She is in Germany and the closest to my ♥ right after my son.
She was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2010 and I was the first to learn
about it when I was home last year, May/June.
I was soooo convinced she's going to beat it, she's such a strong person, a fighter,
I always admired her - we grew up together; we are same age.
Alas, she's going downhill rapidly. I call her at least once a week and we had
a lot of fun... but not anymore.
Today, Sunday I spoke with her again - she's in University Clinics in Heidelberg,
and meanwhile on a respirator.
Her cancer had spread to her spine (she then couldn't walk anymore) and liver ...
now she already has a hard time to breathe.
That's going too FAST... I'm planning on going to Germany in March, just to see her.
I'm devasted! She is my HOME!

Thank you all for your support (maybe I should have asked earlier)

PS - I had ordered a flower delivery to her house for tomorrow ...
well, that's not going to happen

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wonderful gift ideas... not only Video Service

 I Love you too - only $25.00

Stainless Steel and Swarovski $14.50

Stainless Steel Swarovski Eternity $32.00

Pure Swarovski and only $29.00

Precious Tungsten Carbide on Rubber $31.50


Keepsake DVD Video Service Custom Gifts for Family Friends

Individual Custom Video Keepsake DVD
For Your Family and Friends

Here’s an interesting angle - an idea for you:

Keepsake DVD
I now can take the digital pictures that you have assembled and themed
(i.e. Birthday, Wedding, Vacation, Anniversary etc.)
and produce a slick Keepsake DVD/movie complete
with custom titles and background music.

A Keepsake DVD would be $49.00 including S&H,
shipped right to your door.
If you wish I also can publish it on YouTube so that you easily can
send it around and show off to your family and friends.

I’d send you a PayPal invoice - it can’t get easier than that.

Now you finally have a great way to save,
show and gift those digital pictures
on your camera, cell phone, computer or any other
photo recording devices you have

Using pictures from your booth, editing and cropping them
Including any text you want, creating signs for you to be featured.

I'd like to tell a little Story about you - just let me know!
It got to be short though, short enough that people
can read it during the Video.
Note: I can only get out of your pictures what YOU put in.
But usually I can do small miracles

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Your WebSite... MY Design - I can DO

Need a Web Site? (Well, who doesn't?)
I design a Web Site for you.
I just LOVE to be creative, I work with YOU,
and you will get what you are looking for, PROMISE!

Check them out:
Here you also can see a lot of samples of PROMO Videos that
I can do to PUSH your business out there