Monday, March 28, 2011

In loving Memory of my Cousin and FRIEND * R.I.P. Ute

Ute didn't wait for me.
I arrived 3 days too late. After I spoke with her I immediately booked my trip to Germany to see her, comfort her, be with her.
Alas, she was faster.
I am devasted.
Instead of seeing her I attended her funeral.
It was gruesome for me. I totally, totally lost it and myself.
BUT I prayed for her (loud, 'screamed', is the right word) because nobody else did.
I soooo miss her, I lost my home too. She always had a bed for me in my birth town when I came for a visit, once a year -
She was closer to me and I loved her more than my own sisters.

Watch the included Video - it shows our charming birth town:
Michelstadt, embedded in a beautiful forest in the ♥ of Germany.

RIP Ute, you are sorely missed

Here's the Video: